10 Interesting Instagram Hashtags to Remind You Not to Let Life Pass You By

by Roxanne C.


Roxanne at Laced Ivory

When life happens, you just got to roll with it.


My goodness, it’s already May. Where did all that time go? Slow down, I’m not ready to celebrate my next birthday yet.

But of course, who am I kidding. Time never slows down. Tick tock, tick tock, it goes on and on. And in the midst of our busyness from day to day, there are many things we forget. Things like calling a friend up for coffee, sitting down to read a good book by your favourite author (Neil Gaiman I’m looking at you) and watering the bouquet of peonies we placed in the living room. So here are 10 interesting Instagram hashtags that I recently discovered, which I think you should check out to remind yourself to sometimes just take it slow.


1.  #nothingisordinary




In life, if you truly and fully experience it, nothing is ordinary indeed. If you just slow down and let life infiltrate your veins, you’ll find magnificence in the littlest things.


2.  #theartofslowliving




Take some time out when you need to. Recharge, breathe and maybe do some yoga by the beach. Living life slowly is an art which escapes most, and I hope you do find the time to just reflect upon your life and reassess where you’re headed.


3. #aquietstyle




There’s a reason movie stills have great success in evoking emotions. Pause. Stare. Feel. And listen to your heartbeat.


4. #thehappynow




Because when else would you want to be happy if it’s not now?


5. #morningslikethese




Mornings are the most significant time of the day, because that’s when you set the mood for the rest of the day. Eat something healthy for breakfast (nothing short of inspiring with this hashtag), head down to a nearby cafe that opens early or simply get out there for some fresh air. Laugh a lot!


6. #chasinglight




We all have dreams, and I’m sure you’re doing whatever you can to get there. In the meantime, don’t forget to enjoy the process!


7. #liveunscripted




My favourite hashtag of the lot, because it reflects most accurately the current life I have: one of living in the city; days filled with cafe hopping, style and reading; and a lot of wishing I were by the European coastline.


8. #mytinyatlas




For the travel bug in you. Live life vicariously through the travel snaps of others. Well, why not? You might find a new, amazing place to write about in the next pages of your travel journal.


9. #parisjetaime




Imagine strolling along La Seine, popping into a random roadside florist (inhale that lavender) and chatting with friends while people watching over coffee. What a life.


10. #myunicornlife




Unicorns are happy things to see. And unicorns are mythical creatures. But happiness is something we can all have, so fill up your Instagram feed with these bright colours and positive moods. You can also follow me on Instagram @lacedivory.


Stay on track, you’ll get there.



Disclaimer: All the images in this blog post, except for the first one of me, are taken from Instagram’s popular posts page for the respective hashtags.