

    There have been many times in the past where I’ve tried on some skincare or makeup products only to find out that they weren’t suitable for me. Some made me break out, while some gave me allergies which lasted quite a while. Here is a list of these brands that I’ve tried and thrown away but wished they suited me.

    1) Clean & Clear

    This was the first skin care brand I’ve ever used in my life and I won’t use it again. I used the brand’s Foaming Facial Wash and at first it made my skin really good (read: the first few times of usage) but after that I started breaking out all over! I’ve also tried their Shine Control Powder at that time when I was still in secondary school (vain me) but I’m not sure if it made things worse. One thing I know for sure is that up till now, their Oil Absorbing Sheets still make me breakout. Werid but true. Period.

    2) Biotherm

    Biotherm was the first higher-end brand that I ever tried. At that time, I bought their skincare range for oily skin (I think it was the packaging in white and blue and I was told it was suitable for sensitive skin), hoping it would cure me of my terrible acne. Yet, it made it worse. Never mind that I’d never have a complexion like one of the brand’s model ambassadors. I actually influenced my mum to try their products out and it made her skin worse too! Moral of the story: If you want to try out new skincare brands, do it alone! LOL.

    3) Shiseido

    I guess I wasted some good money when I bought Shiseido’s Foaming Cleansing Fluid from their Oil Control Pureness skincare range. To add more damage to my wallet, their Sheer Mattifying Compact made my skin go haywire as well. Maybe it was just one of these two products or maybe it was the combination of both. I wasn’t sure since I used both at the same time whilst every other thing about my skincare-makeup routine remained the same.

    4) Vichy

    A friend of mine recommended this brand to me after she’d used it. I bought their Normaderm Deep Cleansing Gel, which is supposed to be for oily and acne-prone skin. Maybe my skin is too sensitive but instead of curbing oil production, the product actually made my skin more oily and made me break out even more! Luckily the damage to my purse strings wasn’t that bad as Guardian was having some great sale going on at that time.

    5) Chanel (Foundation Only)

    I’ve never tried Chanel’s skincare ranges (except for their Body Excellence Precision range) because I feel it’s more catered to Caucasian skin types. I’ve tried one of their compact foundations though and found out that it actually clogged my pores and gave me quite a bit of white heads. None of them developed into zits, good thing. But who wants a face full of tiny bumps?

    6) Kiehl’s

    I bought the brand’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque but it didn’t work out for me either. Maybe I’m sensitive to clay? What a pity because I think Kiehl’s seems like a reliable, trusty brand for skincare. Plus, their packaging generally looks professional too!

    By the way, if any of you want some of it, I have the rest of it left in the container. Just let me know, I’ll most likely give it to you for free! =D

    7) Laneige (Water Bank Range)

    I loved Laneige when it first came to Singapore. I got one of their facial mask sheets from the Water Bank EX range and immediately fell in love with it the moment I used it. Downside? The range has got alcohol in it and I’m sensitive to the dreaded -OH. I greatly recommend this range of products though, to whoever is Asian and not allergic to alcohol. This product works wonders and you can see results immediately. I’m not kidding! Fine lines disappeared and my skin was more supple after I tried on my first ever Water Bank Mask sheet. Sadly, I’ll never get to use it again.

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