
Brow Wigs


    Strong Brows on Runway

    We all know about the current beauty trend of strong, defined brows while keeping the rest of the face simple. But what is a girl to do if she – like me – has, oh dear, no brows to begin with? Of course, we don’t go for hair plugs on brows. That would just be freaky; and think about the cost and pain!


    Who knew the whole Frieda Kahlo would come back in style? I still find her very manly-looking. But hey, assuming we do want nicely groomed caterpillars, what do we do? Well, thank God for the ever-evolving beauty industry. There’s always a pair or two of brow wigs we can count on. Yes, you read that right. Brow wigs!


    Strong Brows Cara Delevingne

    No, Cara doesn’t need them but not every one of us is like her.


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