
Dyson Hair Dryer Alternative

    Dreame Hair Glory Hair Dryer Review

    One of the biggest taboos in hair care is sleeping with wet hair. We all know this, yet it’s something I used to do quite a lot, especially after having kids (when I actually get the chance to wash my hair). I started looking out for a hair dryer a few months back because I was tired of having frizzy hair that looked like hay and had no bounce.

    My criteria for a hair dryer, if I were to spend on one, would be:

    • Less than S$300
    • Lightweight, so my hands wouldn’t get tired after a while
    • Works fast
    • Looks nice
    • Has a 3-pin plug that fits Singapore’s households

    Simple and short enough, but wouldn’t you know how hard it is to find a product that fits all points!

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